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    Email: sales@eastasiametal.com
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    Corrosion Prevention for Stainless Steel

     Keep stainless steel and carbon steel fabrication areas separate. This step reduces the risk of iron contamination. Iron particles can embed into the stainless steel and damage the oxide layer. This could produce localized or pitting corrosion at the site of contamination.
     Avoid grinding of carbon steels near stainless steels. Grinding can embed carbon steel into the stainless steel causing staining and localized corrosion.
     Keep stainless and carbon steel inventories separate. This reduces the risk of iron contamination .
     Steel bands are routinely used to secure fabricated parts to skids and other packaging used to transport. Place cardboard or other appropriate packaging material on top of stainless steel parts, and then wrap the steel bands on top of this packing material, preventing the carbon steel band from making direct contact with the stainless steel.
     Use stainless steel processing and handling equipment when possible. Use work table bearers, non-metallic contact materials, and vacuum lifting equipment.
     Do not allow your completed fabrications to ship untarped. Road salts contain high levels of chlorides — a chemical that can produce corrosion in stainless steels. Moreover, do not allow steel chains to come in contact with stainless steel.

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