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Wire Ropes

Galvanized Steel Wire Ropes


Galvanized steel wire ropes are able to own plastic deformation at a certain temperature automatically restore to the original shape of special metal. Its elongation is above 20%, the fatigue life of 1 * ten to the seventh, 10 times higher than ordinary spring damping properties, because of this,it can satisfy the application of all engineering and medicine, so it is very popular.

Our corporation limited manufactures galvanized steel products for many years in this line. As the name suggests, the galvanized steel by, due to the change of temperature and mechanical stress and there are two different crystal structure, namely martensitic phase. We have large galvanized coil stock. In fact, the shape memory effect is a heat induced phase transformation process of galvanized metal with the reverse transformation, the material will automatically restore the parent phase shape.

Nonlinear super elasticity is the result of stress induced martensitic transformation and its inverse transformation in the process of loading and unloading in a certain temperature range. The super elasticity of Galvanized steel wire ropes can be changed with the change of the heat treatment condition, when the wire is heated to 400º the elasticity of the super elastic begins to decrease when C is over.

We have perfect inspection system. We train staff seriously when they enter into our company. Near linear relationship between stress and strain in the stress-strain curve of the former.

Please contact us freely if any inquiries. Thanks.

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